Has anyne considered the answer may be "Because Jesus?"
Also, drinks!@
Is this from something or are you having wine? Because it's making me laugh either way. I might just start answering my unreasonable relatives this way.
though school i did religious education and my teacher who was religious ruled out evolution because humans are the only creatures who do not want to die, can anyone who understands evolution explain this?.
im 99% on to the theory of evolution, this is just the last stumbling block..
Has anyne considered the answer may be "Because Jesus?"
Also, drinks!@
Is this from something or are you having wine? Because it's making me laugh either way. I might just start answering my unreasonable relatives this way.
though school i did religious education and my teacher who was religious ruled out evolution because humans are the only creatures who do not want to die, can anyone who understands evolution explain this?.
im 99% on to the theory of evolution, this is just the last stumbling block..
" blame evolution for this unsettling conflict between me the world works in the way we wish it would work. The fear of death, combined with a novel ability to envision the future, enabled humanist outcompete other species. But that combination also makes us unable to believe that what we see around us is all there is. Our brains got too big to think about the world and the other way ... It looks like we came out with the most versatile brain, which could throw, catch, and hit balls-and invent the rules of games involving balls, better than they could. It looks like the same brains gave us the ability to wonder about our place in the scheme of things, and that let us to science, and then let us to the discovery of the ocean. We are products of illusion and as such, we can't believe it's all over, when it's all over. It is a great irony of the evolution of the human brain: our strength is also for weakness. Our asset is our liability..."
taken from bill nyes book undeniable, page 179-180.
the catholic church skews there numbers by counting as catholics even those who no longer attend and may not even profess to be catholic.
do jehovah's witness do something similar or even the same thing?
they seem to be very much in favor of going inactive imo.
The Catholic Church skews there numbers by counting as Catholics even those who no longer attend and may not even profess to be catholic.
do Jehovah's witness do something similar or even the same thing? They seem to be very much in favor of going inactive imo. I keep being told I should stop posting things on Facebook and just fade away. I think they want faders so they can count them as witnesses.
the biggest surprise in the flock book was the hiding-for 3-years serious sin absolution provision for elders (if with "jehovah's evident blessing").. the second is the remark regarding an inactive person, and the situation:.
"is the person willing to meet with a committee, thus admitting accountability to the christian congregation?".
now, the bible says: i want you to know that the head of every man is the christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the christ is god.
i wonder did god instruct adam about the no, no's in procreation and sex.. look adam i know you may feel a little odd, looking at the other animals.
having fun.
so i giving you a mate, but don't do like the birds, horses and .
I am not. I am not because of asking questions and continuing to do so beginning with what I thought first were just fun, like this one, but then eventually realized are honest to goodness legitimate questions.
keep on asking this kind of thing.
one of the last questions I asked myself as a believer was:
if im willing to honestly believe and accept that God has always been and always will be - why is it unreasonable to consider that the elements of the universe and the laws of physics weren't created but have always existed and always will be?
i wonder did god instruct adam about the no, no's in procreation and sex.. look adam i know you may feel a little odd, looking at the other animals.
having fun.
so i giving you a mate, but don't do like the birds, horses and .
Personally I think that the first Homosapiens made the Neanderthals their bitch until they didn't exist anymore; and did so however they pleased because they were dominant.
This is what we need to do with religion now. Make God our bitch.
a bit of introspection on this one ... just read on someone's post that a compliment makes him "float" for hours, and it got me thinking; within the spectrum of comments that people make about me, from compliment to criticism, which is the type that most affects me?.
after my experience as a jehovah's witness, i find that i've become suspicious of compliments and over-sensitive to criticism.
because a common technique of elders was to compliment someone before going down to business, that is, giving hard counseling or discipline.
I would say criticism affects me most, but not negatively.
I don't pay too much attention to compliments, aside from general appreciation. But if I'm receiving a compliment that's great, I'm glad the person approved of me or what I've done or said; however, I pay more attention to criticism and I always will. Criticism challenges your world, and maybe your approach is wrong. Whenever I experience criticism, whether or not its constructive, I spend a great deal of time on it. Honestly asking myself if the other person could be right.
I feel that being a Witness shuts you off to criticism. You are taught to believe that how you think, believe, and reason is right and cannot be wrong because you know the truth. That attitude affects more than just your personality in terms of religion, it makes a person have trouble recognizing when they are wrong or out of their depth.
For this reason, I have far greater appreciation for criticism, and work very hard at giving any i receive a thorough consideration.
bruce malone, an outstanding scientist has absolute scientific proof that evolution is not scientific!.
bruce, a leading researcher for dow chemical for 30 years; he is one of the top 100 inventors eighteen of his inventions raised millions of dollars; and has a b.s.
degree in chemical engineering.
You need to broaden your horizons. If all you ever read is garbage from people who just can't seem to accept reality then you'll never get a feel for reality either.
There re is a rather large group of fossils found in slate (I believe) in Canada that hold several transitional fossils with strange parts and shapes. You can go there and literally see how organisms evolved a step at a time.
Evolution is fact. The sooner every one accepts this the better off society will be.
(only read OP, CBA the many pages of debate on this subject again)
a little about george smoot.
It's an interesting idea.
But it I think it's just another human mammal who's unable to accept death. (Unless he isn't suggesting something happens when you die and leave the simulation). I'll watch this later for sure.
a statement that phizzy made on jonathan drake's thread on flyers gave me the following ideas.. we should make a flyer on the issue of the watchtower pedophilia issue written with the object of alerting the public about the jw door to door activity.
phizzy suggested the title, "the paedophile at your door".. on that flyer should be the contact information of our most informed member on the subject who's willing to talk to the media.
barbara anderson perhaps?.
I know I'm late responding to this, but, if I've read correctly over the last few months, Watchtower has the highest incident rate currently known of a religious organization.
The scope of abuse in the Jehovah's Witnesses is a matter of considerable debate. The church has recently been sued by eight plaintiffs in four lawsuits alleging abuse, one filed in July in Minnesota. Mr. Bowen says that his victims support group, "silentlambs," has collected reports from more than 5,000 Witnesses contending that the church mishandled child sexual abuse.
If these numbers are accuate then that means the amount of child abuse is far greater proportionally to the church. They have far more reports/claims than the church (which has less than 3,000 cases) but with far fewer numbers (more than 100times fewer witnessss than Catholics). Granted, the article does not say these 5,000 claim to be victims. But I also remember reading there were an incredible amount of claims made in Australia.
frankly tho, looking at the kids as statistics makes me feel kinda bad. Regardless of the prevalence it's happening and they aren't admitting it; even going so far as calling the victims liars. At least the church finally owned their wrongs.